Sunday, November 5, 2017

Press release on Maritime legislation workshop held in Hargeisa, in cooperation with Somaliland Attorney General Office

November 2nd 2017

EUCAP organises Maritime Legislation workshop in cooperation with SL Attorney General Office
A Maritime legal workshop took place from October 31st to November 2nd in Hargeisa. The event was
organized and funded by EUCAP in cooperation with the Somaliland Attorney General Office (AGO)
under the umbrella of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Counter Piracy Coordination Office.
Thirty eight participants from the Judiciary (judges and prosecutors), Police, Coast Guard and
immigration officers, along with Berbera Maritime and Fisheries Academy officers and six trainers from
the Somaliland AGO attended the workshop, including four women (three trainees and one trainer).
Hosted at the Ambassador Hotel, the officers were trained on several subjects, including: theoretical
and practical aspects regarding applicable Maritime Law (Jurisdiction, Territorial Water, and Maritime
Crimes); the legal framework for the Somaliland Coast Guard Law; Fishery Law, Human trafficking,
smuggling of migrants, contraband and investigation of maritime related crimes.
Besides acquiring additional professional skills, the enhancement of cooperation among the
participating Somaliland agencies was a key objective of the workshop.
EUCAP is a civilian EU mission, under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy, which
assists Somaliland in strengthening its capacity to ensure maritime security.

EUCAP Somalia organizes Maritime Crime and Legislation Workshop

November 2nd 2017
EUCAP Somalia organizes Maritime Crime and Legislation Workshop
EUCAP Somalia organised a Maritime Crime and Legislation Workshop in Mogadishu for the Somali
INTERPOL Unit on 1-2 November 2017.
Ten Somali officers who attended the workshop were trained on several topics, including: Legal
Maritime concepts and Somali Maritime Legislation, international cooperation in fighting maritime
crime and Human Rights and Gender.
INTERPOL general mandate and activities were also analyzed during the workshop in order to
share information about best practices among the attendees.
Acquiring Legal Maritime concepts enables Somali INTERPOL Unit officers master the Maritime
Legal Framework which, in return, helps increase their ability to fight maritime crimes.
The workshop also aimed at enhancing Somali officers’ awareness in terms of gender
mainstreaming in the security sector. To effectively provide maritime security, the
understanding of socio-cultural gender roles and the respect of Human Rights, is key.

EUCAP Somalia is a civilian EU mission, under the auspices of the Common Security and Defence Policy,
which assists Somalia in strengthening its capacity to ensure maritime security.